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tv   [untitled]    October 11, 2012 4:00am-4:30am EDT

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passengers and crew on board a sewer and plane intercepted by take a shrine to drugs are allegedly beaten and forced to sign a false report on the incident a flight attendant calls all see in public describing the real lives which appalled that i am correct. meanwhile u.s. special forces take out position in a serious southern border with the pentagon told him the deployment to jordan as a safeguard against any violence spin. also this hour spain's credit rating get slashed in is trying staters over fears this economy's to front go in front of active recovery with warnings of further downgrades to come. under israel's
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strategic alliance with the u.s. times by its read as the country's leaders continue to drive the returns for a ship to the brink of destruction. international news life for most this is all she was new. to welcome to the program humiliations for us and the brutal beatings that's how some of those on board a syria bound plane described the welcome they received in turkey f. sixteen fighter jets were scrambled to ground the moscow damascus flight it was carrying over thirty passengers including small children more details now from. the plane has finally reached its destination and a landed in damascus but before that just a few hours ago we managed to speak directly to those people on board. people sound
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as a very scared and a very frightened they were intimidated and even received threats here are some comments that we managed to receive when they were on board at the end airports on what they had to go through. the plane has been surrounded by people in masks they seize all the cargo on board four people have been bitching to crew and passengers they try to force them to sign documents we don't know what these papers are about they're scared for the fate of the captain he has been taken away and threatens with arrest if he doesn't sign an emergency landing paper. that i'm on board with three children we're all hungry i saw that the troy was driven onto the plane and people began to carry our books out of the plane turks open this box or this took pictures of what's inside them we will show what was inside there was no weaponry a toy oh my god it was obvious even from my child they were full of some paperwork it isn't the wrapper and turkey sounds of doubt the reason for such
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a move was the information of the trick you received about the plane was carrying some military cargo however leader there were some speculations that the cargo that was found contained to a radio equipment instead of any weapons meanwhile of this is the air passenger plane was carrying thirty seven people on board and among them were small children and also according to the reports of seventeen were russians as soon as this plane across the turkish border turkish out sixteen fighter jets forced the plane to land and after this search that lasted for more than nine hours the cargo was confiscated by the turkish security forces meanwhile at the directorate for the serious develop an agency does this whole search underwent in a breach of international regulations and also violates the convo on international see. as i said before the plane has finally reached its destination and landed at
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the moscow's airport three incident as a wake up call signaling that they some members are ready for open military confrontation that's the view of u.s. based on two accidents and germany. under international law this is an act of war and that turkey would be emboldened to commit this act makes me very nervous about what's going to happen going forward this is crazy i have no idea what the thinking is behind this other than to try to intimidate everyone involved on the other side of this nato would venture in syria that either back off or we're going to take it to the max i think that's the signal of washington is trying to send because turkey isn't doing this without an ok from washington and it's frightening that that's actually how aggressively they're playing at this point especially when no couple weeks before an election usually they try to keep this stuff toned down before an election and see a win for after the election so i hope something worse isn't coming after november sixth. and it's not the first time moscow has come under scrutiny for its
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connections of the damascus and eric draitser edge of political analyst full stop in paris in the home things this latest incident is no coincidence but the demonization of russia with regard to the weapons sales is something that's been going on now for months will remember back to secretary of state clinton and her laughable accusations against the russian government that they were instigating a civil war by simply delivering what had already been contracted to the syrian government but as i mentioned already to demonize russia is to lend credence to the side that is in favor of intervention remember that the vetoes that russia and china put forward in the security council were not simply. against what the united states wants it was an attempt to prevent war and there's no way to get around that unless you can drum up some kind of an international incident that would look like we didn't elaborate on their face. and this all comes as turkey and syria
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a seat on the brink of war with the u.s. apparently funding the flames of conflicts and american special forces contingent has descended on jordan's border with syria who at the pentagon defines as a boost to the country's fighting capabilities and violence spills over again that account has moved to move the intended message according to defense secretary leon panetta they send their troops to syria jordan border in case violence escalates in syria and spills over the border leon panetta did not go into details as to how many troops and so on but another u.s. defense official speaking on condition of anonymity said the forces are made up of one hundred military personnel and other personnel who stayed on in jordan after attending an annual exercise in may and several dozen more have flown in since they're operating from a joint u.s. jordanian military center north of armaan that americans have used for years the news about u.s. military personnel so close to syria actual actual boots on the ground suggests an escalation. in the u.s.
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military involvement in the conflict even as washington pushes back on any suggestion of a direct intervention in syria but jordan is not the only place where the u.s. has military presence if we look at syria and the u.s. military presence across the region we see that syria is pretty much surrounded militarily also tension is growing on the border between syria and turkey after several days of shelling this wednesday turkey's military chief vouched to respond with more force that is a day after nato said it stood ready to defend turkey important to note one of the reasons why the rebels refused to settle down for a negotiated solution through dialogue is that signal that they get that sense that support is on the way that there will be an intervention everybody understands without a negotiated solution the bloodshed will continue so the signal that the rebels are getting including the news about u.s. troops standing by right across the border could be making it much harder to come to that negotiated solution and independent journalist. things voted for the action
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is just a pretext to press harder for a change of regime in syria. throughout the duration of the conflict in syria we've heard a lot of talk about the creation of humanitarian corridors or buffer zones along the turkish border and now we're hearing reports of the same stablished on the jordanian border to believe that it is what the above merican personnel in jordan are there to do one needs to acknowledge the fact that this is not the policy of the turkish government nor is it the policy of the jordanian government the u.s. the brookings institute in march two thousand and twelve published a report assessing regime change options in syria but it specifically cited the creation of a buffer zone or a humanitarian corridor as a means to base certain rebel groups in the region to project force towards a syrian government in an attempt to topple it so that it appears to be what it's playing out at the moment. meanwhile an increased american military presence
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doesn't seem to be helping the situation pose to gadhafi leave the u.s. on the sound the alarm of what they did hear or see in the country has that made at that time that killed ambassador ghazi was a premeditated terror that's got. their spanish economy is now a wreck according to credit ratings agency standard and poor's as it rattled markets was mauled by slashing madrid's does score to near junk status the rating agency said that austerity joblessness and nationwide unrest have led the government's hands tied it added that madrid's ability to deal with the debt crisis and stop the ongoing recession was now severely limited spain recently announced as slew of new some tax hikes we had hopes were reserve its fortunes margaret bogan green from crisis management a.c.m. partners doesn't hold out much hope. that spanish government just reported or you know just resigned to the austerity happy in twelve months to try and both
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jumpstart the economy and. back on expenses so far as much of everybody is focusing on what the s. and p. and other rating agencies are saying i really think they're just reflecting but actual reality that the spanish economy is not going anywhere good i mean the spanish population has demonstrated that it is comfortable protesting and writing these measures i mean at this point i think without a significant change in public oh union which obviously you can't just litigator or legislate through you know throughout spain i think you will see more riots and i think you will see more civil unrest just as you're seeing in greece i mean and angela merkel visited greece this week and was met by protesters i think you will see very similar reactions across the spanish socio economic all of the groups and of course as more news from the financial world coming your way shortly. market
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is down which is not a surprise but you're going to remain cautiously optimistic we'll have more on that and business coming up shortly here on arts. it's perched atop a jaw drop and the view from the ball scrabble and stretches as far as the all i can see. for a city to all of siberia for centuries. it lost its economic importance even before it was bypassed but a chance a barren railway but the poles cremains a spiritual center. things like these are a yearly occurrence thousands of also docks worshippers and blessedly water to commemorate the baptism of jesus ok. years ago. in the fifteen eighties the russians had only just called good
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siberia. taking it from the muslims. surrounded by enemies the balls to be their stronghold constructed on top of the city but soon enough it became an economic siberian oil of its time bringing in a third of all russia's state revenue but the location head of the says for the russians the russian. a revolt against the czar and eight hundred twenty five known as the decembrists will send hair in droves there they created a replica high society adopting the latest fashions as soon as they came out or at least once they made it from paris to siberia. but the city also served up some bit of irony for the russian royal family after the bolshevik revolution. this is the office was nicholas the second spend most of the last year of his life his whole family had been exiled here and they lead a fairly comfortable existence this was
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a big house but they weren't allowed to see visitors or go outside themselves whilst leaving this ordinary normal countryside lifestyle they even have those of us cape but within the yeah the saw of his family would be dead. by horse. by tractor. by car for the road. as
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a carpenter. as a stove setter. a farmer. as an assistant. as a friend. as a relative. delivering post and delivering. great to have you with us let's continue president barack obama has signed an executive order to further tighten the financial screws on iran and implement a new set of sanctions and tehran's nuclear program that claims to be in the cross has jamaal abdi policy director for the national iranian american council things the real target as ordinary citizens when has this administration has appeared to annex ancient's every three weeks you have new sanctions coming online you do have
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a small number of lawmakers a growing number of lawmakers and pundits on the outside who are starting to come clean and say actually this is great when we see that ordinary people are suffering in iran but we see the currency devaluation that's hurting the middle class and the reason they say this is great is because the same trends are designed to address the nuclear issue sanctions are designed to topple the iranian government and they think that. toppling the iranian government starts with engineering suffering among the people and that somehow the u.s. is going to convince people to basically you know take up arms or rise up against the government because of the sanctions and iran's nuclear ambitions have become the point of contention between the u.s. and israel with washington trying to rein in the states military rhetoric actually is policy i found out how wide the division. over the years israeli leaders have been very careful in expressing their stance towards american politics until now
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with u.s. elections less than a month away israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu has made no bones about who he favors and it is not barack obama and netanyahu has basically been pushing obama united states around. pushing that not that forcing america to do anything that america doesn't want to do but forcing america to accept to shut up in the face of netanyahu is what netanyahu as we would job obviously does not like and netanyahu has done that as most do that because you knows that there is such that the republicans are totally behind him netanyahu has had very public spats with the obama administration the most recent of which was sparked by his demand that the u.s. sit out the red lines for iran which if crossed would bring military action so far washington's refused prompting a tongue lashing from netanyahu. who.
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was. wrong but it is already working. at a recent united nations session netanyahu went further he produced the now famous bomb diagram while drawing a great line. easily american strength not of her g.'s his outburst appears in an anti obama advertisement that will be broadcast on u.s. networks paid for by an organization called secure america now what it's come down to now in america is if american politician criticizes israel that translates into support for couric or terrorism traditionally israeli leaders have relied on board bipartisan support in the united states but netanyahu has had a rocky relationship with obama from the start and is ready to take sides with the prime minister is a republican and he is both the. and soul netanyahu also seems convinced republican contender mitt romney will take
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a harder line on iran but netanyahu is perceived strategy looks risky to israelis who feel they were alliance with the u.s. could be in trouble if the incumbent wins especially when it comes to recognizing a palestinian state i think it will come back through the u.n. if all the vote on the recall commission and i think the room the miracle river will be that they will not work against it as they worked last year. the result will be you really think. surveys show that israelis are more worried about losing this strategic alliance with the united states then they are of war with iran however few observers believe there is a real threat of us israeli relations becoming seriously damaged but it is highly likely that the a bomb an attorney or who relationship will become even more strained should both leaders be reelected. and don't hesitate to log on to. the stories awash on air as well as for some online exclusive stories it is
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a taste of what's lined up for you there right now powerful backroom friends didn't help one city councilor natally southward was dissolved by the government because of its money or connections. and the infamous because the ride craze takes a new turn as one member is released by moscow he'll find out all the details on why. britain's prime minister david cameron has delivered the closing remarks said the conservative party's annual conference in an effort to drum up support amid eroding public confidence the party is trailing behind the label opposition in the opinion polls as it takes five for sweeping spending cuts david cameron has had to avoid even using the word establishing would help the rise after coming to power and knowledge of how nationally the u.k. independence party says the tory father says i'm not bringing any many people trying to. country's economy. you know when david cameron talks about austerity what he fails to tell you is that we continue every year to run
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a massive budget deficit and by the end of his five years as prime minister but national debt in the u.k. will of increase by forty percent so i think we're having an entirely false debate david cameron is calling the british public into thinking that he's actually really cutting back the levels of debt in our country and it's not true i think that the david cameron and george osborne combination. put together a coalition telling us they were going to deal with debt in this country they have absolutely failed to do so they haven't dealt with the deficit they haven't got growth coming back into the british economy i don't think the thing is a dramatic failure unless things turn around that i think the conservative party is in for a really terrible result in twenty fifteen of the next general election september's attack on the u.s. consulate in been gaza libya which killed ambassador was an organized terror act not part of a mass protest that was the bottom line of wednesday's congress hearing an incident of says responsible for the safety of u.s.
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grounds in libya testified security security and severely decayed had severe hatchets a decade since the ousting of nomic retired cia officer ray mcgovern says the congressmen are trying to score points and set of getting to the root of the problem. this is a political carnival this is represented trying to make political points now they're trying to get hillary clinton for a lack of understanding what security is needed that's not where they should try to get what. they should get it will be quick because the word she and others in libya the problem here is not getting to the bottom of the thing the bottom of the thing is the issue congressman ok they. they forgot their constitutional duty insisting that before we went to war in libya that there'd be a congressional vote they ducked and the result is the people like hillary clinton and others think they couldn't you know fiction english boys in the country. and
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that's promised let's go back to financial matters now marina you mentioned earlier that european investors are cautiously optimistic so what does that mean elmo he's going up or down well here's the thing you know when it comes to the spanish stock market as i said it's down which is not a surprise but we expect to see most european markets to be down especially after the news we heard about the spanish downgrade of its credit rating but in fact if you look at the latest figures will say that they're going up we're not saying that they're completely optimistic and i think that nothing is wrong they remain in polls that say it's over also expect to hear more for erin's report later in the week and this will force also have the fact but let's stay with us and talk about credit suisse because it really is quite an interesting report on global wealth trends and apparently global wealth fell over five percent in the last year and of course the girl's own crisis was one of the main reasons for the drop europeans suffer the most the loss around eleven trillion dollars worth of assets which is
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hardly surprising now the worst hit for france italy and germany in that order but it's not all bad global household wealth is expected to rise most fifty percent in the next five years to three hundred thirty plenty of dollars and the number of millionaires world why is expected to reach. six million in two thousand and seventeen. it will be on the international stock markets where the nikkei closed half a percent in the red but we have the hang sandwiches make quite a turnaround there and i guess coming from the optimism i always see it again on the markets because it would take a look at the russian markets as well we've seen a change there especially in the mood will see that the my six is alpha lots of positives so it's not all bad definitely all prices that are helping me out of course whether that was to the russian market currencies a quick look there is that the euro it is still strengthened against the u.s. dollar when it comes to the ruble and makes picture that is news into the greenback but again then some of it you are this is how science is our. capital outflow and
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comparing that with previous years here every song that should be exciting thank you very much for that marina up next. join us positive former consultant to the u.s. state department discussing america's current foreign policy. good luck or a jury. believes most sophisticated which unfortunately doesn't give it doing about anything. to teach me really should know why you should care about humans in. this is why you should care only.
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i'm very pleased to introduce my guest today john sponsored oh he's a professor of religion and international affairs and islamic studies at georgetown university he has served as a consultant to the u.s. state department and other agencies dr sponsored over a number of books on islam dr thank you very much for making yourself available glad to be here i was looking at poll numbers saying different muslim countries and
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their opinion over the u.s. now is either the same as under george w. bush or much worse as is the case in pakistan in egypt for example four years ago seventy five percent of egyptians had an unfavorable view of the u.s. now it's seventy nine percent in pakistan used to be around seventy percent now it's around ninety percent these figures have nothing to do with the infamous anti islamic film where do they come from in your opinion well i think if you actually take a look at you know data from the muslim world i'm associated with the gallup organization and gallup did a world poll of and that included thirty five muslim countries from all over north africa southeast asia and what we discovered was that majorities of muslims. while they admired. america's economic and technological development its freedoms the rule of law among other things resent with the sea as an intrusive foreign policy
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as a foreign policy when it comes to the promotion of democracy and human rights based on double standards now what happened was that when president obama gave his speech in cairo then his numbers really spiked up in countries like egypt and others what would happen throughout the obama administration. is that you had rising expectations those expectations not fulfilled and then the numbers start really going down one of the risks that you have when you are it seems to me a president or anyone is that if you raise the bar you'll be judged by that and obama had the genius and the insight to present a vision that was significantly different and claimed to be significantly different from that of george w. bush on a variety of issues whether it was palestine and israel whether it was the use of military force etc but the reality of it is that in many ways of a fair number of the obama policies.


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